School Support from theEducationCollective
Support for Individual Schools
From theEducationCollective

Helping you get the best from technology

We can help you...

...develop your technical team

Managing technical staff can be tough. Offering the right levels of challenge and support if there is not a great deal of technical knowledge with the school leadership makes it hard to recruit, retain and get the best from your teams.

We can offer support in these areas to help you develop a strong team.

...take control of your websites and social media accounts

The school website has grown in significance over the last decade and is now seen as a vital instrument in the effective running of a school. However, designing and implementing a new website is only the first step. If you do not have a strategy in place to keep it up to date and compliant then it can become a risk to your reputation rather than an asset.

...communicate and collaborate

Effective communication within a large team of busy people is difficult - even more so since the introduction of GDPR.

Our tried, tested and trusted online community platforms contain valuable tools to support collaboration and communication across your organisation.

...take control of your technology

Reliance on technology is ever increasing, and if you do not have control over the effectiveness, the vision and the cost then it can be a huge challenge to keep it on track.

With our expert help you can take charge and stay in control.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to discuss any of our services in more detail then please get in touch:

Phone: 0330 2234208
Email: enquiry@​theEducation​